Frequent Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are located in New Jearsey, US.

Do you have a physical store/shop?

We do not have a physical store yet.
We are a gas free, fully ecommerce store where you can find our services and products from the comfort of your home and at any time.
We are working on different collaboration to expand our product on different platforms
and places where you can find and shop our products locally.

Do you offer membership/loyalty for exclusives?

Yes, we have starteda rewards program that is FREE to sign up.
There are many ways to earn points and get rewarded.
Join in for FREE and get $5 off coupon using
this sign up link:

Where are the items manufactured?

Our candles and wax melts are manufactured in our home.  All of our handmade products are made,
inspected and packed at a design space for our small business.

Are the materials made upon manufacture sustainable?

Yes, our handmade candles and wax melts are made with 100%
premium soy wax to achieve non-toxic and clean burning products.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, JCB Discover, DSCENT Gift Cards, Google Pay and Apple Pay.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us via email at We are also on Facebook, Instagram, Etsy and TikTok, where you can message us.

How long does it take to ship my order?

Orders are usually shipped within 1-3 business days after placing the order.

When will my order arrive?

Shipping time is set by our delivery partners. Most packages are sent via USPS and usually takes 1-3 days to arrive.